Dear Bayside High School Alumnus:
Your old school needs your help! Just a phone call or email from you can make a difference.
Our community hub and stellar school continues to be denied equitable funding from the Department of Education while other schools get more than 100% of theirs.
I am enclosing copies of-recent ai:t:icles that 0-utliAe this discrimination, bblt the basic stor:y is that a Department and Chancellor that tout equity continue to fund Bayside at 15% to 10% below what the DOE's own formula dictates is needed.
Bayside has risen to a 99% graduation rate- right up there with Stuyvesant- with the City's highest rates for college enrollments- but all its progress is under threat- will you help?
The DOE touts community engagement but turns a deaf ear when it comes to what is really needed: adequate funding. They blame the State when the real reason they choose not to fund schools is so that they can waste your tax money on programs that pander to every group along with massive raises to the top tier of the DOE. Billions of dollars are used as a political slush fund while schools go without.
If they get their way, larger class sizes, fewer teachers, less support services, and less kecurity
will be the results for your proud alma mater.
I would appreciate your reaching out by phone or email to tell the below decision makers to fully fund Bayside High School now! Protect your legacy!
Yours truly,
David Solano
Friends of Bayside High School, Inc.
Mr. Richard Carranza, Chancellor, DOE
Tel: 212-374-0200
Contact: Hon. Bill de Blasio, Mayor, NYC
Tel: 3-1-1 or
Tel: 212-788-29S8
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Bayside High School Funding Issue
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